
Comentários dos alunos.

The Offshore Leadership Online course is very good. The instructor involvement & the guidance was very important and helpful in completing the course. Watching the movies & then doing the exercises were quite innovative and interesting.  I take this opportunity to thank my mentor - Lincoln for his efforts to ensure that I completed the course as intended.



Many Thanks to Lincoln, always gives positive energy and good explanation.This program so useful to review all our life and planned goals again.

Supervisor de Manutenção


Excellent course both for personal and professional development, human memory being short it should be refreshed every year on a more concise platform. Special thanks for the instructor who very subtly pointed additional points during live meetings.



The approach of the instructor was good and to put his opinion forward he came in a casual attire to show how the thought process changes with the attire of the person in a work environment. The training also focused on the personal growth of the candidate and explored personal relationships.

Supervisor de produção 


Muitas das ferramentas disponibilizadas pelo curso já eram de meu conhecimento, porém não tinha o embasamento correto para utilizá-las. A ajuda do Lincoln foi fundamental para entender como posso usar estas ferramentas para me tornar um líder melhor e ajudar os liderados a alcançarem seus objetivos juntamente comigo.

Supervisor de sala de máquinas